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Complément cours CDM Martellet (stamp act crisis 2)

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Complément cours CDM Martellet (stamp act crisis 2) Empty Complément cours CDM Martellet (stamp act crisis 2)

Message  karuto Jeu 29 Nov - 19:07

8 novembre 2007

Cours 6

The Stamp Act Crisis Doc 4

Benjamin Franklin : born in Boston in 1706.
In 1801, he took part to the debate for writing the Constitution.
At the age of 20 : became an apprentice to (auprès de ) his half brother who was a printer. He familiarize with printed material.
Owner and editor (rédacteur en chef) of the successful Pennsylvania Gazette. He wrote articles and published a famous “Poor Richard's almanach”.
publisher : éditeur
Philosophical studies. Sciences.
He became the inventor of a number of things : lightening rod (para-tonnerre)
Intellectual life. He go into politics and diplomacy.
He belongs to the Albany Congress : plans of union in order of organize them against Indians and French : a forerunner (précurseur) of this elaboration of Constitution. Plan accepted but eventually rejected by the colonial assemblies and also by Britain. To much ahead for this time.
In 1757 : he was sent to England to seek from the crown the permission to taxe the colony vast proprietary estates ( Pennsylvania). He stayed here a couple of year. In 1764, he came back.
He took a great part on the debate about the Stamp Act. He argued very well.
Repeal : ???

on application : to apply : to ask
redress : correct something which you feel is unfair
lessened : decrease
obnoxious : unacceptable
no moment : little consequences
to lay a duty : to levy a taxe
commodities : goods
thus : par conséquent, ainsi

  1. How did the colonist regard the B. Parliament before Indian and French war ?
Respect. Bulwark against the King abuse of power. Adequate protection against a loss of liberty. The Parliament was fulfilling it's role of defender.
The situation deteriorated after Peace of Paris, because of trade and pay debts : new taxes.

  1. Why did the colonist did change they views on the role of B. Parliament ?
Restriction on importation of gold and silver : limited their purchasing power ==> a lot of smuggling.
They can't print out paper money : Currency Act 1764
Reproaches the lack of trial (because of the Stamp Act) if they didn't obey : no trial.
England ignore petitions. In particular Olive Branch petition.
Solution : to modify the law and to make a more acceptable law : but Franklin is also against. So it means it wasn't only the letter that angered the colonist, but also the point of being taxed.
A prevision : une clause
Internal taxes = excise duty: you couldn't escape it// external taxes => cf CF
to levy a tax : percevoir un impôt.

l.25-l.30 => Parliament had gained the right to vote taxation, but American were not represented : violation of Bill of Rights. “unconstitutional”.

Bellisario : allusion to the antiquity : accused to corruption, general of Justinian Empire => the King pulled off his eyes. => ingratitude of the part of Englang.
Cuisinière et Admin
Cuisinière et Admin

Messages : 107
Date d'inscription : 28/09/2007
Age : 34

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