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CDM Martellet 1

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Message  karuto Jeu 29 Nov - 18:24

Texte 1 :The Mayflower Compact

Introduction :

The mayflower was the name of the ship, the circonstances of the writting is that they wrote it even before they arrive, they wrote it on the boat.Because thay realised they arrive in a different place they tought they will.They arrive in cap code and they should have arrive in virginia, they had a written document which gave them the right to work in virginia, but as they didn’t arrive their, their patent was useless so they got scared the pilgrins disband, so the paper bound everybody together, they form a community and the mayflower compact is made to prevent disbanding.

The pilgrims were not very well welcome in leiden, that’s the reason why they left for USA.They already have the feelings of being isolated with the king.Only the man in the group sign the document, the women were not allow to have a participation.At the head of the group of pilgrims they were puritism leaders they were well educated, like John Robinson who was teacher at cambrifge, William Brewster also a cambridge man ;finally bradford was a very a shrewd and idealistic man.The rank and file was made of people who were hard orking people, they were honest, intergre, sober, they had courage adn fortitude.They had endured popular hostility in england and leiden.
They left with food for what they thought would be south of virginia but they arrived north.Because of this mistake the legal document they had was not valid, i twas meant to be used in the juridiction of the virginia company.This compact keep the people together.

Vocabulary :

Compact :contract

« in the name of god »the text started as a prayer.They placed themself as the protection of god, in other word the document that is going to follow is an act of cristian faith.At the time everyone believed in god.

« underwritten »that sign the document.

« dread »to be affraid of.

« the advencement »to spread.

« to plant a colony »to set up.

« the fisrt colony » :in the northern parts, the fisrt real colony was Jamestown.

« to enact »to be sure that the law can be apply correctly.

« equal laws »they are apply to everyone in the same way and to the same degree.

« meet »adapted to the circonstances.

« loyal »they want tto say they do not disagree with the king, since the king is the head of the anglican church, they wanted to deal away with this ambiguete.

God is feared, and of course as the king is answerable to god only, he is the representative of god.The king is the lord anointed king.He is dreaded because the representative of god.The king is presented as the king of France, ireland, because part of France was french ( aquitaine), that is the reason why the title stayed.).They have undertake this trip for several reason, fisrt reason to serv god and to glorify is name and his benevolence.The second motive is the promotion of proselitism(to converts the paiens )they speak of the christian faith.THird to honor our king and country, for the benefit of the country, the colony will be devellop as part of the UK.IN 1643 it will join the confederation of NE and will be integrate massachussets in 1691.They wanted to create a civil body together, in order to stay united.Locke wrote two treatises of governement wich is an official peace of phylosophical thinking.By creating a political strucure, when you are in the state of nature they are no laws.

This iis the first document that organizes a cummunity in political body, and latter on when the colonies will become states they’ll have charter this contract can be seen as an inspiration for the charter.

The motives are very clear, to prevent chaos and exessive individualism.They will vote equal laws, frame them, make constitution, create offices, and it will be the product of the vote, done for the general good, for the benefit of the group.You accept your personnal freedom to be limited for the group.

Everyone accepted to transfert their individual sovereignty to obbey the decision of the representative body, i twas the very new idea of a form of government in each colony.It is a model that will copied elsewhere.

As a conclusion, we can say that it remain into effect unitil the end of the 17th century, 1691.At that time plymouth plantation became integrated at massachussets.Despite the very bravely democratic ring of the document, we need to say that the plymouth plantation was only temporaly a democratie because of the rise of puritinism, and the fact that the leader impose a theocratie.In NE this was the case of many colonies(like massachussets bay), the theocratic lift was conducive to torture, intolerance.

The compact demonstrate the ultimate view of the protestant reformation, a group of main could form their own church.This complemented, the idea that men could gather to form their own government, that was very important and was going to have great consequences.This compact serv as a precedent plantationn covernents by which many towns were founded in NE.

Cuisinière et Admin
Cuisinière et Admin

Messages : 107
Date d'inscription : 28/09/2007
Age : 34

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